Unit 4 Marine Science

Unit 4: Nutrients and Energy - Marine Science iGCSE pre-recorded course (Unit 4 / 6)


Unit 4: Nutrients and Energy, the fourth (4/6) module of my comprehensive Marine Science IGCSE learning course.

Unit 3: Marine Organisms is a fully recorded unit covering all content related to chapter 3 in the Marine Science IGCSE Cambridge textbook. This unit is specifically designed for students who are following the Marine Science IGCSE Cambridge syllabus for the academic years 2024-2026. This unit covers the following topics in detail: nutrition, food webs and chains in marine environments, respiration, gas exchange and nutrient cycles in marine organisms.

This unit includes access to:

  • 5 pre-recorded video theory lessons (lessons are of varying lengths, between 20 min and 1 hour)
  • Walkthroughs of practical experiments
  • a set of digital flashcards
  • a package of quick revision worksheets for the unit
  • 5 exam-style questions per unit
  • 5 lesson presentation slide copies.

The theory lesson videos in this unit are:

Lecture 1:  Nutrients and Food Tests

Lecture 2: Nutrient Cycle in Marine Ecosystems

Lecture 3: Respiration and Gas Exchange in Marine Animals

Lecture 4: Photosynthesis in Aquatic Plants, Phytoplankton, Seaweeds & Cyanobacteria

Lecture 5: Marine food chains, food webs and pyramid charts 

The course is fully flexible and can be accessed anytime over the next 2 years via a private YouTube playlist link and a Dropbox folder including the other materials.

Upon purchasing, you will immediately get access (from the ‘thank you for your order’ page) to a link to a secure DropBox folder with a password, containing all the above resources.

Please note that this course is intended for educational purposes only, and it does not include exam bookings, assessments, or exam fees. It is the responsibility of the parents, guardians, or students to arrange and book their exams with an exam centre*. The first exam sitting for this subject is in Summer 2024 in the UK.

Please keep in mind that this course is meant to provide students with all the tools necessary to learn the content, but it is ultimately up to the student to study and revise appropriately. Completion of this course does not guarantee a pass in the IGCSE Marine Science exams.

As it is iGCSE/KS4 level, it is aimed at 14-16 year olds, or those working to a KS4 Biology / Science level, or anyone working to achieve this IGCSE (or just interested in the topic!). .

I would recommend using the official textbook alongside this course (Marine Science for Cambridge IGCSE – Matthew Parkin and Paul Roobottom – 2024-2026 syllabus. It has a sea turtle on the front).

You can also see the specification here: https://www.cambridgeinternational.org/programmes-and-qualifications/cambridge-igcse-marine-science-0697/

Thank you for choosing my course, and I hope it will be a valuable learning experience for you!

For students who plan to take the IGCSE Marine Science Cambridge exams with Tutors & Exams examination centres, please note that you will need to complete a declaration form regarding teaching of practical activity methods and send it to Amy (hello@elearnwithamy.com) by 1st April of the academic year in which you plan to take the exams. The form will be accessible after purchasing all of the units and participating in the course and will be included in the unit 6 package. Additionally, Tutors & Exams exam centres require that students learn about some of the practical activities in Marine Science as part of their learning course, which my recorded course will provide. If you book your exams with Tutors & Exams and have learnt with me, you can use the my Learning Partner discount code to receive a 10% discount on the exam fees (Please email me to get access to this after purchasing my course units).



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