Got a Question?

Check out the FAQ section below to find a list of common questions and answers.

Still unsure or want to get in touch? Email me at:

Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t find the answers you’re looking for here? Simply use the contact form above to contact me and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

General FAQ

My classes and courses are ran as webinars. Please see the webinar FAQ for detailed information on them. I also offer pre-recorded courses, such as my Marine Science IGCSE Modules in the ‘shop’ of my website.

I specialise in animal science, zoology, biological sciences, and related topics. These include occasional short courses in topics such as wildlife conservation, ecology, botany, marine science, mycology and more.

Webinar FAQ

Webinars are online seminars. You will be able to watch me give a “lecture” on the given topic, share my PowerPoint slides on the screen, and answer questions from students. The child will not have their audio or their camera on during webinars. They may interact via typing me questions or voting in quizzes. You can watch webinars from any laptop, PC, tablet, and even mobile phones.


You got an email instantly when you registered and paid. There is an orange button to join the webinar in that confirmation email.

All webinar registrants receive a recording. Even if you cannot attend a webinar live but know you want to watch a recording, please sign up via the booking pages before the live start date – that ensures you automatically get a recording by the end of the same day. I also send the lesson PowerPoint slides and the worksheet pdf for the webinar resources the Friday before, so you have everything ready to go on Monday onwards.


You do not have to follow the ages and key stages, but I always label the appropriate key stage guideline. If you aren’t sure what key stage your child is in, see below:

Key stage 1 = ages 5-7.

Key stage 2 = ages 7-11.

Key stage 3 = ages 11-14.

Key stage 4= ages 14-16.

You can sign up to a Living Planet at *ANY TIME* – you do not need to start at the beginning of a term – each session is stand-alone. Feel free to try a session at any point! KS2 Science and Bioblast weekly usually follow a half termly theme, so it is best to join them at the beginning of a half term, or email me if you aren’t sure and I can send you the recordings of ones you missed.

My various 4 and 6-week short courses are ran intermittently and will be advertised clearly on this website and the Facebook page.

Yes! At the end of any webinar that is part of a complete course (such as any 6-week course, or at the end of an IGCSE course) I will email you a certificate of completion to print off.

Yes. After every webinar, you will be emailed the following by the end of the week:

  1. A recording of the session on a link.

  2. A worksheet (printable PDF and editable word doc).

  3. The PowerPoint slides from the lesson.

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